Cole Bereskin

Cole Bereskin

I am a content creator, game developer, and professional fighting game player. I specialize in designing & implementing gameplay systems for both online and offline games. After founding my game studio MosoPlay Games, I've started developing a free-to-play racing fighting game called Spar Kart.

Brock Linc Navigate Award

Alex Fischer and I won first place for Brock Universities Navigate Pitch Contest in Fall 2024.

Winning at Level Up 2024

I was the creative director for a capstone game through Niagara College called Reverex. We recently remade and networked the game for public release. You can download Reverex: DX for free now on Steam. 

Dreamhack Austin 2018 Champion

When I was 15, I won first place for Brawlhalla at Dreamhack Austin 2018.